The Master in Mechatronics Engineering results from the need to adequately fill a domain increasingly specialized in the design, construction command and intelligent control of machines and electromechanical drive equipment. The Mechatronics Engineer will possess in-depth technological training with the inclusion of emerging subjects and fields in curricula as the main requirement. The Master in Mechatronics Engineering will enable its graduates to exercise their professional activity in Mechatronics, a field that integrates concepts of analysis and design of dynamic systems, sensors, actuators, control and command of automatisms in real time. Case study, simulation, and project implementation will be used in the course to strengthen skills acquisition. The mission of the Mechatronics Engineer can be characterized in the following aspects: Participation in the creation and development of product; Promotion of competitiveness through the integration of Scientific Research.
The proposed study plan for the Masters in Mechatronics Engineering lasts for 2 years. Five Curricular Units are proposed in the first semester of the course and seven Curricular Units in the second semester of the course. Reflecting the diversity of the professional requests, curricular units of option are offered, organized in modules. In this way the student will have the possibility to choose different options, within reasonable conditions of logistics and offer of instruction, that take place in the second and third semesters. In the third semester, in addition to the Option 1 and Option 2 Curricular Units, the Seminar on Mechatronics Systems (Curricular Unit integrating knowledge obtained in the previous Curricular Units) takes place and begins the preparation of the dissertation, which is extended for the fourth semester of the course Master in Mechatronics Engineering.
In order to ensure an initial homogenization of the knowledge of students from different initial formations (Mechanics and Electronics), homogenization curricular units are expected to take place in the first semester of the course (reason why only five compulsory courses are planned in this semester), but will not be countable in terms of units of credit for the course. They shall, however, appear in the Annex to the Diploma.
Course Unit Homogenization
For students without initial training in Mechanics: CAD; General mechanics; Mechanics of the materials; Machinery Organs.
For students without initial training in Electronics: Circuit Analysis; Microprocessors and Digital Systems; Instrumentation and Sensors; Electrical Engineering and Electronics.