Disclosure of opportunities for teaching in the area CNAEF 523 – Electronics and Automation
The Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Politécnico de Viana do Castelo informs that it accepts expressions of interest from people whose scientific, pedagogical or professional curriculum is likely to be of interest for teaching in the area CNAEF 523 – Electronics and Automation of the aforementioned school for the following discipline:
1. Electronics
2. Power Electronics
3. Embedded Systems
4. Automotive Electrification
5. Vehicular Networks
6. Automation/Mechatronics
In this sense, we request your best collaboration in disseminating this information to your teaching staff, technicians and doctoral students.
To this end, interested parties who wish to undertake part-time teaching duties in the aforementioned area may express their interest, indicating the areas they intend to teach, via the following email address: direcao@estg.ipvc.pt , Subject: Manifestation of Interest – CNAEF 523 – Electronics and Automation, attaching your academic and professional CV, and provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Doctorate, Specialist Title, or Master’s Degree, in these or related areas;
2. Relevant curriculum vitae in these or similar areas;
Preference will be given to candidates with relevant professional experience.