Adaptation of toys for children with cerebral palsy

15 de November de 2022

The Automation and Robotics Laboratory, at the University of Minho, in Guimarães, will once again carry out the Toy Adaptation initiative for children with cerebral palsy, from 5 to 9 December 2022.

Children with special needs have difficulty using traditional toys. The few adapted toys that exist are extremely expensive. Thus, since 2006, the Laboratory of Automation and Robotics at the University of Minho in Guimarães, adapts electronic toys (during the Christmas season), so that they can be used by children with cerebral palsy.

This initiative has the following partners:
Automation and Robotics Laboratory – which adapts toys for a week.
Guimarães City Council – which offers toys
SalusLive – Therapeutic Center – which offers toys and manages the allocation of toys – which provides the electronics for adaptations
Sociedade Martins Sarmento – in the promotion and spaces for delivering toys
University of Minho – Support

Between the 1st and 25th of November, you can apply to receive an adapted toy, through this LINK: Apply for a toy
Between the 5th and 9th of December, the toys will be adapted, and the toy “factory” can be visited.
On the 17th of December, the toys will be delivered to Sociedade Martins Sarmento.

Although the adaptation is different in each toy, the degree of complexity may be greater or lesser and the time it takes may also vary from a few minutes to a few hours. But these facts do not deter the Laboratory’s students and teachers, who dedicate some of their time to this initiative. The volunteer spirit of each one is enormous, the delivery and dedication to this cause is total, and all the action is accompanied by a Christmas spirit of lots of fun and joy. And when that happens, it is possible to turn dreams into joys.
We want to contribute to a slightly better Christmas, for those who need it most.

For more information about this initiative, contact
Prof. Fernando Ribeiro: 919315631