Adaptation of toys of Christmas 2018 by the Robotics team of DEI
The Laboratory of Automation and Robotics of the Department of Industrial Electronics of the University of Minho by the responsible Professor Fernando Ribeiro, carry out the annual initiative of adaptation and distribution of electronic toys for children with special needs.
The joy that has been expressed in previous editions by students who volunteer is contagious, and the Christmas spirit that is generated is comforting. The Laboratory is prepared, the various robots away to the corners, tables placed in position and there all the action begins. Every adaptation is done with affection, and the animosity that is reached, from among soldering irons to pliers, to scissors with screwdrivers, passing from hand to hand according to needs, recalls the true image that is retained from the work of the goblins in Santa’s shop.
It was news on RTP – RTP Report – Christmas Toys 2018