Electronic Engineering Conference 2019 – February 11 to 15
Organized by NEEEICUM, the 2019 Electronic Engineering Days are already scheduled! They will be held from 11 to 15 February at the Engineering School of the University of Minho.
The Electronic Engineering Days are held over a week and aim to bring to the campus of Azurém a program that allows participants to be able to acquire and put into practice knowledge that allows them to develop more skills as students and future engineers. During the participation in this event and going through all the dynamics associated with each day, students will have developed not only technical skills, hardskills, but also soft skills, be they the capacity for communication, organization and critical team spirit.
Registration for the seminars is completely free and you will have the opportunity to attend the workshops / lectures that will be given during Monday and Friday (on days 11 and 15), to get in touch with companies that may interest you on Thursday (day 14), as well as receive the various gifts included in the Participant Kit!
Sign up for the link below: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeltsxAD2_r4MVnx-GuoU3WBIrsvCfs11IQf-SzZeFI3v8-Kg/viewform
In addition, as you already know, there will be an Electronic Engineering Marathon (February 13th) where you have to register with your team (maximum 4 elements and maximum of 2 elements of the same year). Once again the registration is absolutely free and the lunch and snack (s) will be provided to the participants. Here we give you the opportunity to work as a team, solve problems and in the end, be evaluated by teachers and companies and win several prizes!
Check out the policy at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15SymgAABBs4P_7GyaVSl9hsUIaueylx1/view?fbclid=IwAR0b6spkz82kR_JcldgImAOzrIz0iIHuPy3TTXVi_HzvG3dt7OTqhBKUe60
Sign up as a group at the link below: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXfkH_iRw7HwFxGLIkN9U_8sLEtf_hrYI8G5winc2iofkfQ/viewform
Individual or peer enrollment: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXfkH_iRw7HwFxGLIkN9U_8sLEtf_hrYI8G5winc2iofkfQ/viewform