Texas Instruments Innovation Challenge: Europe Analog Design Contest 2015 Project Report . Baby Night Watch
Project Abstract
The Baby Night Watch aims to ensure infants’ safety during sleep, by combining different emergent technologies (embedded systems, wearable devices, wireless communication, smart textiles, web-interfaces and mobile applications). The system is composed by the following elements: a Wearable IoT node, a Data Center and the H Medical Interface available for different platforms (smartphones, computers or tablets).The Wearable IoT Device is a wireless sensor node integrated in a Chest Belt with the capacity to monitor infants’ physiological parameters, such as: body temperature, heart and respiratory rates, and capable of recognizing the sleeping position. After a minimal data processing, this set of information is sent continuously to the Data Center, which analyzes and stores the physiological infant’s data, and makes it accessible to the user through the H Medical Interface. If a critical event occurs the device will trigger an alarm, visible and audible in the proximity, and sends a distress message to the mobile application. The H Medical Interface allows the users to visualize the collected information in real time. The Baby Night Watch can be used as an important tool for medical studies, since it allows access to previous physiological data and to export the database history to different types of datasets.
Through the experimental tests performed, the Baby Night Watch has proved to have the potential to identify situations that could potentially threaten an infant life.